Welcome to Bwando Farms
Mon - Sat 8:00 - 5:30, Sunday - CLOSED
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+260 961 110 442Welcome to Bwando Farms
Mon - Sat 8:00 - 5:30, Sunday - CLOSED
Call Anytime
+260 961 110 442Bwando Farms is rooted in hard work, humility and purpose. Our purpose is to feed a growing world and continually raise expectations for how much good food can do.
Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text
If you are going to use a passage
Making this the first true generator on the Internet
Various versions have evolved over the years
It is our fundamental belief that everything is loaned to us by our Creator, to grow and multiply them for the good of everyone. As such, we value and take care of what has been entrusted to us. It is the core value that permeates all other values that we espouse. Customer focus, Social Responsibility, Passion for Success, Integrity, Respect for our workers, Innovation, and Teamwork. It is in this spirit that we will look after the welfare and interest of our Business. We will help improve the quality of life in Communities where we operate and collectively, we will give and do what is right and become proponents of good stewardship and business competitors.
Founder and Director
The best is not yet to come, the best is now. At every moment, we put in our best even as we endeavor to grow Bwando for the benefit of all our stakeholders. With the commitment of everyone, we believe that the success of Bwando is everyone’s success, including the success of our customers and the community we operate in. Team work, hard work and commitment at Bwando is what we strive for to ensure all our stakeholders’ interests are taken care of. Bwando is with you for a long while.
Founder and Director
Providing families with great tasting pork formed on pasture with highly regulated anti-biotic use.
Working So The World Can Eat.
There are many variations of passages of available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humou or randomised words even believable.